"the best security blanket a child can have is parents who respect each other" -jane blaustone

Living and co-parenting after a lifetime of love.

Nov 20, 2012

JT and Mom run the hill

JT has advanced at AGA! Every six months, the kids are tested on certain skills and depending on which ones they've learned and how many they are able to complete, they can move up a bracket. It's a building block system so they cannot start leaning new skills without having mastered the prerequisites. We're proud of him, he's now a green star! A few weeks ago, it was Ms. Lorena's last day at the gym. My kids LOVE her! Like LOVE. She was HeaBug's first coach when she was an 18 month old mini-tumbler... at the mommy and me level.

JT has been running with me. We decided to tackle Signal Hill together while HeaBug was at gymnastics (about 3 miles), and he did so great. While up top, we had fun with my camera. The shot just below has to be one of my most all time favorite pictures. I just happened to be at the right angle and the sky was magical with the threat of rain and the promise of sunshine all in one afternoon!

We sure do love this little man. He is silly and intense and adventurous and bright and thoughtful and still surprises us. We see so much of ourselves in him. The good and the bad (and a little of the crazy hahaha). It makes us so happy that he enjoys being active and fit and healthy. We are so thankful to be his parents for sure.

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